Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Time with family is time well spent. There are some plenty of life's moment that we regret, time with family should never be one!

19 June 2011 Happy Father's Day!

My siblings and I take this initiative to celebrate Father's Day together..
klau time kecik-kecik, bila tiba hari jadian, duduk rumah diam-diam tunggu parent beli kek and juz count the hours to celebrate my bufday.when im growing older now, wajib merancang strategi untuk menyambut hari jadian my mom and lid. tak kira ade duit ke x, harus korek hidung tabung untuk memenuhi syarat untuk celebrate the party..

bile dah besar-besar ni baru hargai penat lelah parent yang selama ni susah payah mencari duit nak menggembirakan anak-anak. Rasa puas dapat bagi kebahagiaan to my parent event kek yang xseberapa mahal yang penting mereka menghargai kite dan for sure bile kite ade initiative nak sambut acara ni, kite menghargai pengorbanan and jasa diorang.

Every Girl has three guys in life, the 1 she loves, hates and can't live without. In the end they are all the same... that ARE My Hero!! Im glad I have 3 guys in my life, they are all I love!!!

to Lid, abah and ayah... no words are suitable to describe how much I love u!

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