Friday, November 4, 2011

When someone turned legal

Been abandoned my blog for a week.Baru ade mase nak update. This entry was made last week...

Gambar Hiasan

Commonly people are officially 'free' when they turn 21years old. They are free to do anything they want without mommy and daddy’s permission. This is what I thought because I have once been told by my father. He said, “u r still under age and u r now my responsiblity. Anything happen to u, that are all my problems. When u turn 21st, then u can do whatever u want” Ok how sweet and responsilbe my dad is ! *blushing*. That was when i was 17 years old stubborn phase. That was when I wanna do everything without my parent’s permission.

Now, when I turn 21 years old, and i am officially turns legal to do watever I want, (that is not meant my parent don’t care about me), but apparently I still wanna ask my parent’s permission. How come when u get green light but u still think about ur parent? Yeah that is what my dad taught me. I learned from mistake. Whatever we did, we still have to ask for their favour.

Kalau nak kuar pergi dekat-dekat je takkan nak mintak izin jugak kan. Tapi pernah je pergi jauh tak mintak izin sebab dah tahu mak takkan bagi, so better go ahead as long we know what we are doing. Kalo agak-agak buat jahat tu, akibat die nanti tanggung la sendiri. Kalau accident dengan lembu, pandai-pandai la jawab.

BUT, takkanlah semua yang kita nak buat kena get permission dulu kan? Come on lah, dah 21. Hellow, u know whats wrong and whats rite. What to do and what don’t do. Sampai bila nak bau ketiak mak ? u have to make ur own decision. Be independent sometimes. What? U don’t understand what am I mumbling about? Ok lets straight forward. We are now free to have someone special. Masa zaman sekolah memanglah mak tak kasi nak menggatal. But now, dah ade green light. Ok Tasya, cari cepat hewhew...

Even my mom now is like getting worried because im still.... ok never mind. Because my sister will getting engaged soon. Then she worried about me. How come ah? Haha she is funny. Im glad to have mom like her. She is very understanding and sporting.

But I found it hard to find someone special. It is not like get a cloth. It is not like buy a handbag. After all we must first window shopping. Hewhew.. that is so-called women. Again, not to rush, because a wrong relationship will feeling us more alone than when we are single.

P/S : Kepada tuan dalam gambar hiasan di atas, please trust me for diz time. Im singleeeee!!!!

dah tak tau nak explain camne kat kau. sebab tak percaya dengan aku, amek kau, terima balasan kene jadi gambar hiasan :P


  1. - pejam mata.. jgn amik kisah ngn apa yg org kata, jgn terlalu memilih.

    apa yg kita mau tak slalu jd milik kita dan apa yg jd milik kita bkn smua apa yg kita mau

    PEREMPUAN YANG BAIK ADALAH UNTUK LELAKI YANG BAIK.. trust me, hg akn jmpa lelaki yg menyayangi hg suatu hari nnt.. habis kn study dlu SIS.. mwah2 :)

  2. oit...ak djadikan gamba hiasan eh..xpe2 ade lori, ade bas..ade hari,aku bls..hahaha
    dengar ckp awen 2..jgn memilih sgt la dak tasya oi..da ade dpn mate kot wtpe nk cri2 lg..mcm yg aku ckp la kn slame ak knl ko, brape pjg da list ko.x phm ak ko ni..haha sume owg x sempurna yunk jgn melepas kali ni beb..chayok2.. :)
